2022年4月29日 星期五


行政院主計總處 (DGBAS) 昨天表示,由於強勁的出口和貨運服務抵消了消費者支出的緩慢復甦,上季度經濟同比增長 3.06%。

The economy last quarter expanded 3.06 percent from a year earlier, as robust exports and cargo shipping services offset a sluggish recovery in consumer spending, the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) said yesterday.


The figure was 0.06 percentage points higher than the forecast made by the statistics agency two months ago and would boost GDP growth for this year from 4.42 percent to 4.43 percent, national income section official Wu Pei-shuan (吳佩璇) said, attributing the upside to stronger-than-expected exports.

然而,與上一季度 4.9% 的年增長率相比有所放緩,部分原因是與去年同期經濟增長 9.2% 的比較基數較高。

However, it was slower compared with the previous quarter’s 4.9 percent annual expansion, partly due to a high base of comparison from a year earlier when the economy expanded 9.2 percent.

