2023年11月29日 星期三

Overbuying Food and the Consequences


I often end up buying too much food, resulting in leftovers. Yesterday, after picking up Wing and Yee from their tutoring class as I hadn't had dinner yet, I felt a bit hungry. So, after dropping them off at home, I went and bought some spicy duck blood cubes and stinky tofu. While purchasing, I thought it wouldn't be right to indulge in these delicious treats alone, so I got Wing and Yee a portion each as well. However, upon returning home, I realized Qing Mei had already heated up some leftover spare rib soup from last night for them, causing them not to finish what I had bought. This led to some food wastage, ultimately wasting money as well.


I often buy too much food and end up not being able to finish it. Yesterday, I was feeling a bit hungry because I hadn’t had dinner yet. After I picked up Wing and Yihong from their cram school, I bought some spicy duck blood and stinky tofu. While I was buying them, I thought that such delicious food shouldn’t be eaten by only one person, so I bought them each a portion. However, when I got home, I found out that Qinmei had given them the leftover pork rib soup from last night, which caused them to not finish the food I bought and wasted food, which in turn wasted money.

